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Wreck Etnea, Unije

Located at the entrance to the port of the idyllic island Unije, near the small island Školjić, this dive site offers an unforgettable underwater experience. The anchoring point is situated at a depth of 5 meters, allowing for a smooth descent along the reef and a captivating journey down to the Etnea shipwreck, resting peacefully on her port side at a depth of 35 meters.

Divers are advised to approach the wreck from the bow, which lies buried in the soft sand. As you explore the wreck's interior, be on the lookout for Sabella fan worms concealed among the wreckage. The seabed surrounding the wreck is teeming with vibrant marine life, including damselfish, sheepshead, and large lobsters.

The Etnea wreck is adorned with sponges of various colors, enhancing its visual appeal. Stretching 60 meters in length, this cargo ship offers divers the opportunity to delve into the depths of the Adriatic Sea. The minimum depth of the dive is 28 meters, while the maximum depth reaches 39 meters, providing an exciting challenge for advanced and expert divers alike. Diving excursions are exclusively organized for divers with advanced experience, ensuring safety and optimal exploration of the wreck. However, it is important to note that diving into the wreck itself is not recommended due to the presence of residual metal, which can pose risks to divers and potentially interfere with the dive.

As you explore the wreck, keep an eye out for fascinating remnants scattered near the stern, such as amphorae, hinting at the possibility of another, much older wreck below the Etnea. This captivating discovery adds an intriguing element to the dive, making it even more enticing.

Situated in the picturesque dive destination of Croatia, this dive site promises an extraordinary underwater adventure. With a visibility of up to 12 meters and a maximum depth of 30 meters, divers can immerse themselves in the beauty and rich history of the Etnea wreck. For divers seeking a challenging and rewarding experience, this dive site is not to be missed.

For those planning their diving itinerary, the Wreck Tihany, located in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Croatia, is a nearby dive site worth exploring. Plan your underwater escapades in this captivating region and embark on an unforgettable diving journey.

Last updated: 8 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023

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Overview of Wreck Etnea, Unije

Visibility: 0m - 12m
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