This dive spot boasts an impressive array of underwater flora and fauna, making it a must-visit for divers of all skill levels. Starting with a descent to a depth of 10m, divers can explore the southern side of the island within this range for the initial few minutes. As the dive progresses, we can venture deeper, reaching up to 15m, and follow a ridge on the right side that showcases various marine wonders. From a captivating shoal of brown meagres and sea breams to elusive forkbeards and lobsters, the dive offers a multitude of curiosities to discover.
Located in Croatia, this dive site near Coral Beach in Puntižela, Štinjan, Grad Pula, Istria County, provides optimum visibility of 11m and a maximum depth of 20m. It is suitable for divers of beginner and advanced skill levels. Explore the stunning underwater world and immerse yourself in the beauty of Croatia's diverse marine environment.
Last updated: 12 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023