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Sika Tanki

Sika Tanki, located on Grgur Island in Croatia, is a popular dive site known for its strong current and vibrant wall. With a maximum depth of 23m and visibility up to 17m, this site is suitable for divers of all levels, from beginners to experts.

To begin your dive at Sika Tanki, anchor your boat in the calm waters of 8-10m depth and follow the anchor line down. As you descend, get ready to encounter a diverse range of marine life. Nudibranchs, conger eels, octopuses, lobsters, sea bream, wrasse, and scorpionfish are some of the common fish species you can expect to see here.

The dive site is shaped like a figure-eight, and most divers start from the middle and keep the wall on their left side. The external wall descends to a depth of 40m and is adorned with colorful sponges and gorgonians, creating a mesmerizing underwater spectacle. By following the wall with your left shoulder, you'll eventually reach the middle again, where a small tunnel awaits at a depth of 10-15m. Continuing on in a figure-eight pattern, the wall will now be on your right side, guiding you between the dive site and Grgur Island. This shallower section offers great opportunities for spotting nudibranchs, scorpion fish, octopuses, spider crabs, and ghost shrimp residing amongst the anemones.

Dive into the captivating waters of Sika Tanki for an unforgettable exploration of the underwater world. Whether you're a beginner, advanced diver, or an expert, this dive site in the Municipality of Lopar, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Croatia, promises an exhilarating and enchanting experience.

Last updated: 10 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023

Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of Sika Tanki

Visibility: 0m - 17m
Experience level:

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