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Located in the stunning Cavalaire Bay of France, the dive site at Boulevard de Gigaro offers an exciting adventure for expert divers. This site is known for its unique feature - a sunken shooting goal that has been carefully placed on a sandy and gravelly backdrop. The goal, now dislocated, is divided into four roughly intact sections with scattered parts.

While the marine life at this site may be limited, it is still a sight to behold. The sheets of the goal are adorned with vibrant orange crusty sponges and yellow tubulars, adding a splash of color to the surroundings. Exploring further, divers may also encounter lobsters, capons, and banks of anthias.

With a maximum depth of 47m and visibility often reaching 0m, this dive site presents a challenging but rewarding experience for seasoned divers. It is important to note that prior diving experience and an expert diver level are recommended for this dive.

Join us at this remarkable dive site in Cavalaire Bay and discover the unique underwater world that awaits.

Last updated: 10 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023

Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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