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Store Klättarna

Entry is made by boat on the eastern/northeastern corner of the dive site. As you descend, follow the sloping bottom on your left side. For those looking to go deeper, you can dive north from the wall and reach depths of 35-40 meters. The area is filled with a variety of larger boulders, providing an interesting underwater landscape to explore.

Divers at this site can expect to encounter a diverse range of marine life. Keep an eye out for coo-coo wrasse and pipe fish among the weed. You may also come across edible crabs, nucibranches, lumb sucker, dead man fingers, and sponges. The underwater ecosystem here is teeming with fascinating species waiting to be discovered.

With a visibility of 8 meters and a maximum depth of 22 meters, this dive site is suitable for beginner-level divers. Located in Tanums kommun, Västra Götaland County, Sweden, it offers a convenient and accessible diving experience in the beautiful waters of Sweden. Explore the wonders of the underwater world at this captivating dive site.

Last updated: 10 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023

Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of Store Klättarna

Visibility: 0m - 8m
Experience level:

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