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Srikandi Speedboat (Wreck)

Discover the exquisite underwater world at our pristine dive site located in the crystal-clear waters of Indonesia, near Amed, Jemeluk. Immerse yourself in the allure of a brand new sunken wreck, a Speedboat that provides an unforgettable diving experience. With a depth ranging from 25m to 35m, this perfectly preserved vessel of around 20 seats stands as an enchanting spectacle for divers of advanced levels.

Begin your adventure from the scenic beach, conveniently accessible in front of the renowned Srikandi restaurant. As you dive down, revel in a visibility of 16m, offering a captivating view of the entire Speedboat. The breathtaking marine life surrounding the wreck is home to a plethora of awe-inspiring creatures, including the magnificent Java Moray, which you are highly likely to encounter during your exploration.

For a seamless descent into the underwater marvel, follow the rope on your left as it guides you towards the wreck, positioned approximately 18m deep. As you embark on this thrilling dive, take full advantage of your skills as an advanced diver to fully appreciate the wonders that await you beneath the waves.

Indonesia's idyllic setting makes it a prime destination for divers seeking unparalleled underwater adventures. Located near Amed, Jemeluk, along Jalan I. Ketut Natih, this dive site is perfectly situated to provide divers with an unforgettable experience in this tropical paradise.

Uncover the secrets of the Speedboat wreck and immerse yourself in the depths of Indonesia's underwater world. Start your unforgettable journey today.

Last updated: 8 mo. ago - Oct 2, 2023

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Overview of Srikandi Speedboat (Wreck)

Visibility: 0m - 16m
Experience level:

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