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Lipah Bay, Bali

Entry from a sandy beach shoreline, dive into the inviting waters and make your way towards a gentle slope that serves as the starting point for your underwater adventure. Begin by swimming to the right, following the natural ledge that leads you to a mesmerizing sight of vibrant coral blocks teeming with a kaleidoscope of colorful fish. As you continue along the right side, you'll be delighted to encounter graceful turtles gracefully feeding on the ocean floor.

Prepare to be amazed by the diverse marine life that awaits you at this dive site. Keep your eyes peeled for the enchanting sight of turtles, elegant blue spotted stingrays, playful clownfish, captivating Clark's anemone fish, intriguing scorpion fish, awe-inspiring lionfish, and elusive ghost pipe fish.

Located in the magnificent waters of Lipah, Bali, Indonesia, this dive site is a beloved destination for both beginners dipping their toes into the underwater world and experienced divers seeking new depths to explore. With excellent visibility of up to 15 meters and a maximum depth of 17 meters, this site offers an unforgettable experience for divers of all levels of expertise.

Indonesia's rich and diverse underwater landscapes make it a dream destination for divers, and this particular site is no exception. The abundance of fish diversity is sure to leave you captivated throughout your dive, ensuring a memorable underwater journey.

Whether you're a beginner or an advanced diver, this dive site promises an incredible adventure. Plan your visit to Lipah, Bali, and immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty that awaits beneath the surface. Get ready to be amazed by the wonders of Indonesia's underwater world.

Last updated: 8 mo. ago - Oct 2, 2023

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Overview of Lipah Bay, Bali

Visibility: 0m - 15m
Experience level:

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