Hedwig Lunstedt
Discover the intriguing story of a small German ship that met its fate in January 1974 when its cargo shifted. Resting on its starboard side, this captivating wreck lies 9 miles off the coast, offering divers a maximum depth of around 35m+ in the dramatic scour. With visibility typically reaching 10m+ and excellent multi-level diving opportunities, this site is a must-visit for diving enthusiasts.
Prepare to encounter a thriving ecosystem as crabs and lobsters have made this structure their home. Divers frequently witness schools of bass gracefully darting up and down the wreck, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.
Located in the United Kingdom, close to England, this dive site boasts a maximum depth of 26m, making it suitable for advanced and expert level divers. Immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant marine life that this underwater treasure has to offer.
Come and explore this remarkable dive site, where adventure and discovery await. Book your diving excursion today and experience the allure of this captivating wreck firsthand.
Last updated: 2 yr. ago - Oct 3, 2023