The Gorgonian (Wreck)
Located in front of the beach of the launches of Tariff, this dive site is a sunken boat resting on a sandy bed. With a maximum depth of 30 meters, this dive is specifically designed for advanced divers. It is highly recommended to use nitrox for this dive.
This wreck is an early 20th-century cargo ship that now lies on its side in a south-north direction. The minimum depth at this site is 18 meters, while the maximum depth reaches 30 meters.
Nestled in the middle of a sandy area, this sunken ship serves as a shelter for countless sea creatures. Due to the abundance of gorgonian corals that inhabit it, it is commonly referred to as "The Gorgonians".
Divers visiting this dive site can expect a visibility of 13 meters and a maximum depth of 26 meters. It is important to note that this dive is only suitable for advanced divers. Located in La Vega, Tarifa, in the Campo de Gibraltar area of Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain, this site offers a unique underwater experience for diving enthusiasts.
Last updated: 12 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023