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The Cauldron

The Cauldron, also known as Shotgun, is an immensely popular dive site in Komodo, Indonesia. Situated at the northern end of the park, this site attracts thrill-seeking divers with its exhilarating currents that propel you into China Shop, a stunning protected coral garden. With its deep, bowl-like topography, The Cauldron offers a thrilling and exciting experience for advanced and expert divers.

Diving in The Cauldron is an opportunity to witness the rich diversity of marine life that Komodo has to offer. This includes the presence of majestic sharks and graceful mantas, which are drawn to the strong currents prevalent in the area.

As you begin your dive in The Cauldron, you may encounter cleaning stations before descending into the bowl-shaped structure. With its walls adorned by gorgonian fans and soft corals, and a sandy bottom, the bowl reaches a depth of approximately 25 meters. Thanks to its unique shape, The Cauldron provides protection from the current. As you emerge from the bowl, prepare to be thrilled by the rush of currents passing over you, offering a mesmerizing view of the big pelagics gracefully navigating through the water. Finally, let the current launch you, like a shotgun, into the second part of the dive site called China Shop. This magnificent section boasts a beautiful reef composed of both hard and soft corals, providing a habitat for a wide range of marine life.

With excellent visibility reaching up to 18 meters and a maximum depth of 20 meters, The Cauldron is an ideal dive site for diving enthusiasts seeking thrilling underwater adventures. Its location in Komodo, Manggarai Barat, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, makes it easily accessible for divers exploring the region.

Last updated: 10 mo. ago - Oct 2, 2023

Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of The Cauldron

Visibility: 0m - 18m
Experience level:

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