Sonic Boom Cave
A short swim from Big Eyes Lair, divers can explore Sonic Boom cave on the same dive. The unique feature of this underwater cave is its booming sound, caused by the powerful swell crashing at the back. This loud noise can be heard from a distance and creates an immersive experience for divers. It is advisable to enter the narrow cave when the conditions are calmer to ensure safety.
The Sonic Boom cave is home to a diverse range of marine species, including Blue Maomao, Paua, and Gem Nudibranchs. Outside of the cave, divers can also spot Snapper and Wrasse among the vibrant reef fish population.
Situated in the beautiful Cape Brett Track area near Rawhiti, Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community, in New Zealand's Far North District, this dive site offers an exciting opportunity for advanced divers. Although visibility may be limited, diving enthusiasts can still enjoy the unique experience of exploring this cave. With a maximum depth of 15m at the entrance, the cave gradually becomes shallower towards the back.
Last updated: 2 yr. ago - Oct 3, 2023