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Located in Koganezaki Park, this dive site in Japan offers easy entry and exit for divers due to the convenient ramps and handrails. Depending on the season, visitors can immerse themselves in the beauty of various flowers surrounding the area. Once underwater, divers will encounter a diverse range of marine life. With depths ranging from just a few meters to a maximum of 14 meters, both sandy and rocky areas provide a rich biota. Popular macro-organisms found here include nudibranchs, sea tigers, red-headed gobies, tigerfish, and bear frogfish. The sandy soil features landing spots such as artificially submerged rocks connected by ropes, ensuring easy navigation and efficient diving. A beloved spot for macrobiology enthusiasts, "Koganezaki Hall" is a notable cave at this site. From summer to autumn, divers, including beginners and advanced levels, can witness the impressive sight of large schools of small fish immediately upon entering the water. Experience the wonders of this unparalleled dive site conveniently located near Kamo Diving, along national route 136, Nishiizu, Kamo County, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.

Last updated: 2 yr. ago - Oct 2, 2023

Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of Koganezaki

Visibility: 0m - 10m
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