Grotta del Tinetto
Located within the magnificent Regionale Park of Porto Venere, this diving site is easily accessible, just a short 10-minute journey away. Situated in the Porto Venere archipelago, the picturesque Tinetto Island is the smallest island in the group.
Divers will be captivated by the abundance of vibrant red gorgonian fans and the mesmerizing Eunicella cavolinii. Alongside these, a myriad of familiar Mediterranean species including gorgonians, nudibranchs, benthic and pelagic fish also make their presence known.
The dive begins with a descent along a wall which transitions into a vertical drop after a 5-meter deep plateau. Upon reaching the entrance to the cave, divers will encounter scattered stones adorned with sponges, sea fans, and cozy dens for grouper and sargos. The cave boasts a spacious entrance, accommodating numerous divers simultaneously. As you continue your descent, you will be mesmerized by the captivating sight of depigmented sponges and shrimp nestled within the enclave. The cave's walls host numerous splits and crevices, providing shelter for morays and lobsters. On the top right-hand side, there is a crack where a family of corvines has made their den. The tunnel at the cave's bottom connects to a shallow pool, presenting a visible spectacle to anyone on the island. Exiting the cave, divers will encounter the "moon's eyes," two holes that act as exit points at a depth of 13 meters. The dive then proceeds towards the renowned Paramuricea clavata wall, which stretches along the outer side of the island. The area is characterized by the presence of exquisite Leptogorgia sarmentosa and Pentapora fascialis colonies.
With a visibility of 8 meters and a maximum depth of 21 meters, this dive site is ideal for advanced and expert divers. This splendid dive adventure awaits in beautiful Italy, specifically in close proximity to Statua Stella Maris, Sentiero dei Condannati, Terrizzo, Porto Venere, La Spezia, Liguria, 19025, Italy.
Last updated: 12 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023