Last updated: 56 yr. ago - Jan 1, 1970
Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of
Visibility: 0m - 26m
Experience level:
47 Dive sites near
Ras Fanar
Ras Ghozlani
Moray Garden
Ras Burg
Near Garden
Middle Garden
Three Pools
Woodhouse Reef
Marsa Baryka
Ras Za`atar
Ras Katy
Gordon Reef
Shaab Said
Um Sid
Shark’s Bay
Golden Blocks
White Knight
Four Seasons House Reef
Small Crack
Ras Nasrani
Beacon Rock
Naama Bay
Gabr el Bint
Thomas Reef
Far Garden
Shark & Yolanda Reef
Fiddle Garden
South Laguna Reef, Tiran Island
Dunraven, wreck
Ras Bob
Million Hope, Wreck
Anemone City
Shark Observatory
Naama Bay - Kanabesh
The Alternatives
El Gehaza
Ras Ghamila
Jackfish Alley
Ras Umm Sid
Ras Gomaa
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