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Titan I Missile Silo

Dive the Titan 1 Silo with a reputable dive center, UnderSea Adventures, for an unforgettable historical underwater exploration. Located on private property, this dive site requires the guidance of experienced dive guides from the dive center. For arrangements, contact UnderSea Adventures at 509-735-0735 or visit their website.

Immerse yourself in the flooded underground missile silos and witness the salvaged remains of the control room, missile silos, and equipment terminal. The journey begins in the mesmerizing high desert plateau of Eastern Washington, overlooking the majestic Columbia River. As you traverse through what may seem like a steel scrapyard adorned with rusting farm machinery and abandoned equipment, the colossal concrete launch doors captivate your sight. Three identical doors stand before you, signaling the entrance to this historic Titan I complex.

Descending into the man-made ravine excavated by a zealous farmer, the magnitude of the experience becomes apparent. At the depths of this artificial canyon, a massive mangled 'tube' emerges, serving as the gateway to the Titan I complex. Gather your diving gear on the spacious wooden decks near the entrance, where extra bottles, lights, fins, masks, cameras, and other miscellaneous gear are carefully lowered into the depths by rope. While most divers choose to wear their assembled scuba unit down the ladder, an option to be lowered by rope exists.

Reaching the base of the access tube, you enter the "ready room," a well-equipped staging area for the dive. The room features several large benches, providing ample space to assemble and check your gear. Once everyone is geared up and the necessary checks are completed, the thrilling walk to the launch silos commences. The tunnels leading to the Launcher areas of the silo complex have suffered from salvagers in the 1960s when the base was decommissioned and sold. As you navigate through the tunnels, now partially submerged in waist-level water, inflatable BCs become essential for buoyancy. Paying close attention to the person in front who identifies any obstacles, you proceed with caution. A kayak accompanies the journey, serving as a transport vessel for loose items like fins and cameras.

After maneuvering through several turns and tunnel junctions, you arrive at the area designated for final gear preparation before the dive. Here, the deck plates are intact, providing a smooth and stable surface for your final pre-dive arrangements. Venturing into the launch silo, you pass through a seemingly ordinary double-doorway, oblivious to the fact that you are about to enter a 160-foot tall chamber that once housed a ballistic nuclear missile. To your right, a narrow 24-inch plank extends across the now-vacant elevator shaft, which used to facilitate movement between different levels of the cribwork. Take caution as the bottom of the shaft drops 110 feet straight down! As a safety precaution, make sure your BCs are fully inflated. Standing on the massive steel cribwork that once hoisted the 100-foot, 110-ton ICBM to the surface for launch, you find yourself at the heart of the complex. A platform extends into the missile launch silo, mere inches away from where the colossal Titan I ICBM once stood, ready for action. Peering over the edge, your flashlight barely penetrates the dark abyss.

The water surrounding you is clean groundwater, slowly seeping in since the Air Force turned off the pumps in the early 1960s. Take a moment to prepare yourself by donning your mask, regulator, and venting air from your BC before embarking on your descent into the depths of Cold War history. Now, the true adventure awaits!

With a visibility of 19m and a maximum depth of 27m, this dive is recommended for advanced divers. The Titan 1 Silo is located in Grant County, Washington, United States, along Road 12.5 Southwest. Experience the underwater marvels of this historical site with UnderSea Adventures and uncover a piece of United States' history.

Last updated: 10 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023

Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of Titan I Missile Silo

Visibility: 0m - 19m
Experience level:

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