Located in the pristine waters of France, this dive site offers an exhilarating experience for advanced and expert divers. As you descend below the boat, you'll be greeted by a gradual slope that takes you to a depth of about ten meters on the plateau, near the prominent drop-off. The drop-off is easily identifiable and steep at first, but gently slopes down beyond the 20-meter mark, revealing the stunning underwater scenery.
Known as "the alley," this area is a diver's paradise. Along the wall, you'll have the opportunity to spot fascinating marine creatures such as lobsters, moray eels, and lambi. Don't forget to look up as well, as king mackerel, barracuda, and manioc gracefully glide overhead, creating a mesmerizing sight.
Exploring further, you'll venture across the plateau, where schools of pagras and gorettes gather near impressive sponges. Keep an eye out for camouflaged spider crabs that often hide among them. On your return journey, as you ascend to the top of the plateau, you'll encounter diodons, purses, and spotted sandpipers, adding a touch of wonder to your underwater excursion.
With a maximum depth of 19 meters and visibility reaching up to 17 meters, this site provides an ideal environment for underwater exploration. Suitable for divers with an advanced or expert skill level, it offers easy orientation and is accessible to all from PE12. After your dive, take a moment to enjoy a peaceful bubble stop at 5 meters before resurfacing.
This remarkable dive site near Sainte-Anne, Le Marin, Martinique, in the scenic region of France, promises an unforgettable underwater adventure. Discover the beauty and diversity of marine life as you immerse yourself in this captivating underwater world.
Last updated: 12 mo. ago - Oct 23, 2023