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Lake "Sljunakara" is one of the enchanting lakes in the beautiful town of Bela Crkva, Serbia. With varying visibility throughout the year, divers can explore depths of up to 10m in this tranquil underwater oasis. Conveniently located just 160 km from the Diving Center Coral, it takes a maximum of 2 hours by car to reach this breathtaking dive site.

Divers of all levels can indulge in the wonders of Lake "Sljunakara". For beginners, it provides an excellent opportunity to embark on day trips and practice navigation skills. Advanced divers can also find excitement here, especially when tackling poor visibility challenges. The maximum depth of the lake reaches 8m to 9m, while visibility can peak at 10m.

When exploring this aquatic marvel, divers will encounter a diverse animal kingdom. Besides trout and catfish, the lake is teeming with other freshwater fish and shellfish, creating a vibrant ecosystem beneath the surface.

To enhance the diver's experience, the lake offers easy access to the water and convenient car parking located up to 20m away. While visibility can reach a maximum of 10m, it typically averages around 2m. However, this only adds to the allure and mystery of the underwater world waiting to be discovered.

Prepare to be captivated by the natural wonders of Lake "Sljunakara" in Bela Crkva, Serbia. Whether you're a beginner seeking adventure or an advanced diver looking for a new challenge, this dive site promises an unforgettable journey into the depths of serenity.

Last updated: 10 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023

Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of Šljunkara

Visibility: 0m - 2m
Experience level:

3 Dive sites near Šljunkara

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