Оз. Мухно
The second parking lot is situated 200 meters away from the first parking area. Divers can easily access a sunken boat resting at a depth of 6 meters from here. The presence of tree blocks offers a stunning underwater scenery, adding to the overall allure of the site. Discover an array of aquatic life including crayfish, pike, perch, and tench. For a unique experience, catfish sightings are more common during nighttime dives. For those seeking greater depth, the depths of 28 meters are easily accessible from this parking lot. Enjoy an unforgettable diving adventure in the picturesque waters of Belarus.
Last updated: 2 yr. ago - Oct 3, 2023
Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of Оз. Мухно
Visibility: 0m - 4m
Experience level:
12 Dive sites near Оз. Мухно
оз. Щибот / Schibot lake
оз. Какисино залив / Bay of Kakisino lake
Лукомльская ГРЭС сброс /Lukomlskaya GRES discharge
оз. Долгое. причал Шевчука
Мухно залив
оз. Мухно. артефакты / Artificials of Mukhno lake
оз. Долгое. Камень / Rocks of Dolgoe lake
Лукомское / Lake Lukomskoe
Оз. Мухно
оз. Бобрица залив / Bay of Bobritsa lake
озеро Шо / Sho lake
оз. Гиньково. каньон / Canyon of Ginkovo lake
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