Neandros Island, located south of Büyükada, is an enchanting and uninhabited island that holds a fascinating history. In the past, a monastery graced its landscapes, but the monastic life ceased two centuries ago, leaving the island in a serene and desolate state. However, it is this desolation that harbors the true treasures of Neandros Island.
With its pristine waters and thriving marine ecosystem, Neandros Island serves as a sanctuary for marine life near Istanbul. It is a haven for seabirds like cormorants, gulls, herons, and even occasional resting spots for migrating storks. Yet, the real allure lies beneath the surface.
Countless underwater wonders await divers in Neandros Island's depths, making it an ideal location for seasoned adventurers. Its waters host a vibrant array of marine species, including those rarely found elsewhere in the Marmara Sea. This island acts as a convergence point, where both known and new species meet and mingle. For underwater photographers seeking to capture the essence of natural life amidst Istanbul's bustling cityscape, Neandros Island is an extraordinary and possibly one of the last treasures.
Dive into Neandros Island's crystal-clear waters, where visibility reaches an impressive 9 meters. Explore the depths, descending to a maximum depth of 21 meters, revealing awe-inspiring sights that will captivate advanced divers. Located in Maden Mahallesi, Prince Islands, Istanbul, Marmara Region, Turkey, this exceptional dive site offers a remarkable experience in close proximity.
Discover Neandros Island, Turkey's hidden gem, and embark on a journey that will leave you in awe of its untouched beauty.
Last updated: 12 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023