Нарочь / Naroch lake
Lake Naroch in Belarus is renowned for its vast expanse, making it one of the largest lakes in the country. Although the depths may not be significant, the thriving underwater vegetation creates stunning underwater thickets that provide a home to numerous fish species.
Divers exploring the shallower parts of Lake Naroch can encounter a variety of aquatic life, including pike, perch, tench, ruff, roach, and rudd. Additionally, the lake is teeming with crayfish and an abundance of mussels and dreisena shells, offering divers a fascinating ecosystem to discover.
With a visibility of 3 meters and a maximum depth of 12 meters, Lake Naroch is suitable for divers of all levels, including beginners. Located in the beautiful surroundings near camping Naroch in the Myadzel District of Belarus, this dive site offers an exceptional underwater experience for those seeking adventure in the water.
Last updated: 12 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023