le dôme
The dive site, located 45 meters from the center, offers a stunning Dome experience. One side of the Dome showcases beautiful gorgonian corals, while the other side is teeming with vibrant marine life. With a minimum depth of 23 meters, divers can explore the site while staying around 25 meters deep throughout the dive.
This popular dive site in Madagascar is frequented by a variety of fascinating marine species, including white tip reef sharks, grey reef sharks, and leopard sharks. Divers can also witness the captivating sight of large schools of surgeonfish, snapper, barracuda, and fusiliers.
Situated near Diana, Antsiranana Province, Madagascar, this dive site offers visibility of up to 14 meters and a maximum depth of 26 meters. Due to the depth and potential challenges, it is recommended for advanced and expert divers.
Embark on an unforgettable underwater adventure at this remarkable dive site in Madagascar and discover the wonders that lie beneath the surface.
Last updated: 12 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023