Dive into the enchanting waters of Cape Shakotan, a stunning underwater park located at the northernmost tip of Shakotan in northwestern Hokkaido, Japan. This picturesque cape, listed among Japan's top 100 sandy beaches, promises a captivating diving experience.
During September, keep an eye out for the majestic tuna swimming gracefully through the waters. From around June, prepare to be awe-struck by the sight of massive schools of headliners and bowhead whales, measuring up to an incredible 12 to 30 meters in length. And if you visit in April, you might be lucky enough to witness the movement of killer whales, showcasing their vibrant presence in schools.
Cape Shakotan is a magnet for passionate divers fascinated by its crystal-clear waters, intriguing rock formations, and unique columnar arthroids. However, the true highlight lies in the extraordinary opportunity to dive alongside wild sea lions. From mid-December to May, these charismatic creatures grace the waters around Cape Makka, located on the right-hand side of Horobui's harbor. Brace yourself for an exhilarating diving encounter as the sea lions gracefully approach within a few meters of your presence.
With impeccable visibility and a maximum depth of 0 meters, Cape Shakotan offers an unparalleled experience for advanced and expert divers. Explore the underwater wonders of this remarkable dive site, situated in the captivating Shakotan County, Shiribeshi Subprefecture, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan.
Discover the allure of Cape Shakotan, an exceptional diving destination that promises unforgettable adventures beneath the waves.
Last updated: 12 mo. ago - Oct 2, 2023