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Glory Wreck

Glory Wreck is a purposely sunk Chinese long liner, measuring 43 meters in length, that now rests above the sandy bottom, gradually transforming into an artificial reef. Divers have the opportunity to explore various rooms within the wreck, including the captain's wheelhouse, using a torch to observe the old boat system.

Over time, marine life has begun to colonize the ship, with the presence of small fish filling the rooms. Additionally, nudibranchs, new coral growth, and sandy bottom creatures such as rays can be found in the vicinity of the wreck.

This captivating dive site, located in Fiji's Western region, offers good visibility of up to 14 meters and reaches a maximum depth of 26 meters. It is suitable for both beginner and advanced divers, making it an ideal destination for underwater exploration in Fiji.

Last updated: 10 mo. ago - Oct 3, 2023

Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of Glory Wreck

Visibility: 0m - 14m
Experience level:

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