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Batu Mumbang

Location: Discover the breathtaking dive site located on a small rock island just a quick 5-minute boat ride from the North East point of Juara Bay in Malaysia. This underwater paradise boasts a depth of 18m, offering divers an unforgettable experience.

Dive Details: Prepare to explore two rocky islands that pierce through the surface and descend into a sandy bottom bay at a maximum depth of 16m. Adorned with magnificent boulder corals, captivating rocky coral scapes, alluring overhangs, and intriguing small walls, this site promises an array of underwater wonders.

Marine Life: Dive into a marvelous world teeming with an abundance of marine life. Encounter mesmerizing creatures such as False Clownfish, Batfish, Fusiliers, Pufferfish, Parrotfish, and Butterflyfish. Delight in the presence of branching coral, Brain Coral, Plate Coral, and Soft Coral swaying gently beneath the surface. Keep an eye out for encounters with majestic Stingrays, graceful Turtles, and colorful Nudibranchs.

Conditions: Enjoy the crystal-clear waters with a visibility reaching up to 9m. Be prepared for mild currents that occasionally grace this site, adding excitement to your diving adventure.

Recommended Diver Level: Whether you're a beginner eager to embark on your first underwater exploration or an experienced diver seeking new marvels, this dive site welcomes divers of all skill levels.

Close Location: Located near Juara, Kampung Mentawak, Tioman, Rompin, Pahang in Malaysia, this captivating dive site is easily accessible and awaits your arrival.

Experience the wonders of this remarkable dive site and create memories that will last a lifetime. Plan your dive adventure to this Malaysian gem today!

Last updated: 10 mo. ago - Oct 2, 2023

Note: This dive site is not a verified dive site. Please dive with caution. This dive site might have incorrect information by the community.
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Dive Site Overview of Batu Mumbang

Visibility: 0m - 9m
Experience level:

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