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Luxury 47-foot Catamaran Cruise Review - Seven Marine Phuket - Fun Dive & Freediving Depth Training

Seven Marine Phuket: Freediver Review

A one-of-a-kind private diving trip experience with Seven Marine Phuket, located at Koh Racha Yai, Phuket.

Dive Champ reviews the impressive trip with Seven Marine Phuket, taking friends on a luxurious 47-foot catamaran cruise with activities like Fun Dive and learning deep diving techniques with Depth Training on a unique private trip.

Let's start by introducing the team. This trip was a gathering of teachers and students of Freediving from Goose Dive School by Teacher Pop, Marvin Freediving School, and the Dive Champ team with Mind (Freediver), Simon (Owner of Dive Champ), and the support team. The key sponsor was Seven Marine Phuket, who made this trip possible and filled it with fun.

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We will take you to experience a new Free Dive that includes both Fun Dive and Depth Training in the same day for the first time! Importantly, the goal of this cruise is to visit the latest sunk ship coordinates in Phuket, the Meditation 37 Super Yacht at Koh Racha Yai. Let's see how it goes.

Seven Marine Phuket reviews the SUMMER 47-foot catamaran.

The SUMMER Seven Marine Phuket 47-foot catamaran can comfortably accommodate up to 30 people with a top speed of 8 knots, has 2 bathrooms, and a spacious passenger area. The skilled staff and captain will take care of you throughout the journey.

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In addition to relaxing on the boat and enjoying the beauty of the sea and diving, the Summer Seven Marine also enriches our trip with many water activities to choose from such as iAqua(Seascooter), Paddle Board, Seapool & Slider, and Seaflyer, which you can request additionally as desired. There is also a food set and beverage service ready to serve. We also did not miss the opportunity to try the latest iAqua model, which has a powerful engine and is extremely fun.

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But before we go diving, of course, we have to take some beautiful pictures first, right? And here are the beautiful atmosphere pictures on the Summer catamaran. For those who like new experiences like this, we recommend it.

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Review of the sailing route, ready to explore the new diving spot, the sunk ship Meditation 37 Super Yacht at Koh Racha Yai, Phuket.

The travel route will take us to free dive and take underwater pictures at the new diving spot in Ao Tue, Koh Racha. The ship is called Meditation 37 Super Yacht, and it is a diving spot for training.

Time schedule of the route

  • 11.00 AM. -1.45 PM. Chalong-Racha Yai (travel 1.45 hours)
  • 1.00 PM. - 4.30 PM. Free dive training activities in Ao Patok and Fun dive activities on the sunk ship, sunk cube, sunk motorcycle in Ao Siam/Ao Tue, with water activities iAqua(Seascooter).
  • 4.30 PM. - 5.30 PM. Depart from Racha Yai diving spot
  • 5.30 PM. - 6.30 PM. Watch the sunset while returning to Chalong Bay, with Dinner.

(Note that the boat travel route is determined by the diving team and the captain. If any divers or tourists are interested, you can inquire with Seven Marine. We will provide contact information.)

Depth Training diving activity in Ao Patok, Koh Racha Yai.

Let's start the journey! During the trip, everyone will prepare to change clothes for diving and practice deep diving. The water in Phuket this time is quite cold, so all teachers wear wetsuits and long sleeves. As for me, since I didn't prepare, I will be a bit cold. The water is quite clear, so we will start with Depth training first, looking for deep water spots of 20-30 meters in Ao Patok.

Depth Training is the practice of free diving at different depths to develop the skills of free divers.

I must say that today, Mind has an Ocean Mermaid skill exam with Teacher Pop from Goose dive as well. She collected the skills and took the SSI Ocean Mermaid exam at 5 meters, which Mind passed! I'm very happy. As for Teacher Rey and Teacher Link, they are training students who want to take the SSI Freediving Level 2 exam. Everyone is having fun and practicing very hard.

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During the training, the staff on the boat take good care of us, as if they know that divers need to drink a lot of water. The staff serves water all the time, which is very impressive. Towels are ready, and there are snacks to eat when you are tired. Next, it's time to get on the boat and move on to the Fun Dive spot.

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Fun Dive activities on the sunk ship, sunk cube, sunk motorcycle in Ao Siam/Ao Tue, Koh Racha Yai.

Arriving at the highlight of today's Fun Dive, we will head to the Ao Siam/Ao Tue area. This spot is not far from where we just finished training. We will explore the new sunk ship, sunk cube, sunk motorcycle in Ao Siam/Ao Tue.

Fun Dive is an activity where free divers dive around beautiful places to explore underwater life and take beautiful pictures.

This spot is a highlight of the Fun Dive. The depth levels here are not much different, around 12-20 meters, and some spots are as deep as 30 meters. Everyone will get to take beautiful pictures with the huge super yacht sunk ship. It's an incredibly exciting feeling.

Just touching the roof of the ship at about 10 meters, you can feel the beauty that will impress you so much. I recommend this spot to other diving friends who want to explore Koh Racha Yai, Phuket.

The sunk cube and sunk motorcycle are not far from the sunk ship, making it feel like a small underwater amusement park waiting for divers to practice ear-clearing skills and enjoy taking unlimited beautiful photos.

The trip ends with taking pictures together and playing with underwater toys like iAqua(Seascooter), which Seven Marine has prepared for us. I can say that it was fun and very impressive. Let's take a look at the beautiful underwater pictures and the atmosphere of the Fun Dive.

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After we enjoyed diving and exploring the underwater world, we relaxed on the boat. We ended the trip by watching the sunset, an activity that was as impressive as diving. The crew on the boat prepared snacks and fresh seasonal fruits for everyone to enjoy, along with a carefully prepared special dinner that was very appetizing. Everyone sat eating while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the sky on the way back to Chalong Bay, ending the trip with a complete impression of Seven Marine Phuket.

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For those interested in such great trips, please follow us at @divechamp_com for special discounts on your next Phuket trip from Goose Dive School by Teacher Pop.

🀿 Get special deals on a Freediving private trip with usβ€”please DM @divechamp_com for details.
Thank you to our important trip participants, dive schools @every.seaday and @marvin.freediving, Teacher Rey-Teacher Link.

And thank you to our sponsor Seven Marine Phuket.

For price inquiries and boat routes, contact INQUIRIES: +66 91 897 8777
EMAIL: [email protected]